Friday, February 25, 2011

Vignette III (The Comedy Of Your Death) - lyrics

I dreamt you died, and it made me laugh.
I was there, the hobo with a staff.
Your final breath was a Vaudeville song,
and your timing was so strong.

…I killed your mind with steel…
…And the pain was good to feel…
…If you want a love song, babe…
…Go listen to “Yesterday”…

How soft the rain beneath your graveyard home!
We did a dance with a graveyard gnome.
Then we went home, and nestled to our beds,
and forgot that you were dead.

…You drew your lines with coal…
…Bu they couldn’t save your soul…
…Now you keep shut the way…
…And you’ll never see the day…

I woke up. These images regressed.
You’re still alive, and that’s good, I guess.
But in my mind, you still burn for miles,
and this picture makes me smile.

…I paint these things so well…
…I dreamt you into Hell…
…I scald you on the beach…
…I love my twisted reach…

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

ooh I love how dark this it reminds me of things past. hmm...