Monday, January 16, 2012

Charlotte - (God Save the Queen) lyrics

Charlotte - (God Save the Queen)

We came from everywhere
in little cars, the shifting here and there.
Our brains so stuffed with dreams,
we gambled forward, while bursting at the seams.

            Eyes so wide, they barely fit our face,
            Minds that wandered the multitude of space.
            As cynics mumbled something ‘bout the spring,
            we raised our voices in whispers so to sing:

           “God save, God save, God save the queen    .
            In our hearts and in our dreams,
            God save the queen.”

So we settled in.
We laughed, and loved, and drank away our sins.
Then we settled down.
Long dead voices were oceans where we drowned.

            Then winter came, cut us to the bones.
            The blast-cell city air collected all the moans.
            Under Christmas trees, we hoped for angel wings.
            If you’d have been there to you might have heard us sing:

            “God save, God save, God save the queen.
             In our hearts and in our dreams,
             God save the queen.”

So we come to this at last,
this broken mirror reminds us of the past.
Other stories draped ahead,
we move forward like kids who go to bed.

            Foot-thump stomping makes such a merry dance.
            We’re potential biting for our chance
            to burst, and bud, and make concentric rings.
            Listen close.  You might just here us sing:

            “God save, God save, God save the queen.
            In our hearts and in our dreams,
            God save the queen.”


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